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Friday, August 15, 2008

Sunglasses Valuable To Eye Health

Most people today are aware of the need to use a good sunscreen to protect their skin from the rays of the sun. But many people are still unaware of the harmful effects of ultraviolet light on your eyes as well when you spend a lot of time in the sun. Most people continue to wear sunglasses to prevent squinting or just to look cool. But the right kind of sunglasses can do all of that and protect your eyes as well.

Ultraviolet light is actually divided into three forms, UVA, UVB and UVC. All of these are harmful and your glasses should be able to block them all. 99% of all violent light that reaches our planet is in the UVA category. The UVB and UVC bands are responsible for the generation of the ozone layer and UVB is responsible for inducing the production of vitamin D in our skin. The UVC band is the most dangerous.
While the UVC band is filtered out by the atmosphere there is still equipment such as that used for pond sterilization units where you can have a problem if you're exposed to the lamps outside of the units.

In simple terms, sunglasses are simply eye glasses that have dark lenses to prevent strong light from reaching your eyes. Lenses that are colored green, yellow, brown or grey are generally recommended since they don't distort colors. This is important if you're driving a car. You don't want traffic lights colors distorted, for example. Red lenses are very good at enhancing contrasts but they do cause color distortion. Orange and yellow also cause color distortion but they give you greater depth perception. Golfers quite often use yellow lenses on their sunglasses for this reason. Sunglasses often are given a mirrored coating to aid in reflect sunlight as well.

But you need to go beyond the lens color or coatings to make sure you are protecting your eyes properly from ultraviolet light. Manufacturers will attach a label to their glasses that will list the type and the amount of protection that they will provide. In general terms, don't buy anything that won't block 99% of the UVB and 95% of the UVA components. If you wear normal prescription eye glasses, speak to your optometrist about getting prescription sunglasses to get the best of both worlds, especially for your driving activities.

Sunglasses can play a very important part in protecting your eyesight from ultraviolet light if you choose the proper pair. you will be happy to know that you can also find the right pair made by folks like Chirtian dior, Stella McCartney, Ralph Lauren, Girogio Armani and Alexander McQueen. So, if you look hard enough, you may also find a pair that will make you look cool as well!

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